Home About WP3: Development of e-services

WP3: Development of e-services

WP3.1: Deployment and implementation of URBAN learn (M23)

The deliverables include:

  • Developed, delivered, tested and launched URBAN learn cooperative learning platform (online solution integrating all the URGENT e-services – e-learning multimedia modules, eScience module for doctoral students, faculty and staff training across the partnership) (by M23)
  • Necessary modernisation and upgrade of e-learning infrastructure at PIs, including equipment acquisitions (M20)
  • URBAN learn user guidelines for teachers and students (M20).

WP3.2: Development of eLearning modules (M23)

The deliverables include:

  • 6 sets of e-learning materials, encompassing URGENT modules, with versions customised for teaching and learning needs of each PC will be delivered and made available from URBAN learn (M23)
  • Common templates and guidelines for URGENT e-courses, e-learning materials and case study descriptions – developed and made available to PIs (M7).

WP3.3: Development of eScience modules for doctoral students (M23)

The deliverables include:

  • eScience modules for doctoral students (M23) supported with the special module in URBAN learn
  • guidelines for URGENT eScience modules (M20)
  • resources for structured doctoral training: guidelines for the organization of the learning process; links to the resources in the field of GBI & NBS, search and referral system for conferences and other events and resources; portfolio system for postgraduate students (M23).

WP3.4: An intensive training and 2 on-site seminars for faculty, technicians, and administrators (M20)

The deliverables include:

  • An intensive training (Tartu, by M20) will encompass the variety of topics related to e-learning, blended learning, educational portfolio, eScience modules and URGENT e-modules. The target audience will be academic faculty, PhD students, ICT and administrative staff of PIs. We expect at least 18 learners from PIs to attend; some 5-10 learners will be externally recruited through an open call, to ensure better dissemination and more diverse learning environment;
  • 2 on-site seminars for faculty, technicians, and administrators will be combined with the national and regional dissemination conferences. They will be held by P5 and P11.
  • 42 Mobility shared with the activities of WP5 and WP6.

All the training materials used on the training events will be made available via URBAN learn.
