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Quality control and monitoring

In order to run smoothly and produce quality results that would be sustainable beyond the project lifetime, a considerable portion of the URGENT project's activities has to do with management and quality control. URGENT management procedures and bodies are described in the project management strategy. The overal responsibility for the project management is taken by the coordinator - Dr. Yildiray Ogurol of The University of Bremen. He is helped by the project manager - Dr. Igor Novopashenny of the same university, and the project vice-coordinator - Dr. Anton Shkaruba of Estonian University of Life Sciences. All the important project decisions are taken collectively by the Project Steering Group.

The Coordinator is helped by URGENT quality assurance team (QAT), that reviews key URGENT deliverables and reports their findings to the Coordinator and at the Consortium meetings. The QAT members:

  • Daniele La Rosa, University of Catania (UNICT)
  • Anton Shkaruba, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)
  • Christine Fürst, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
  • Ochir ALTANSUKH, National University of Mongolia (NUM)
  • P K Joshi, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
  • Igor Novopashenny, University of Bremen (UNIHB)

In addition to the QAT, in order ensure the independent oversight of URGENT quality assurance, the project appointed an external QA reviewer for mid term and final stages of URGENT implementation. In URGENT, both mid-terms and final reviews have been produced by Mr. Attila Katona (LinkedIn profile), who was selected based on his extensive expertise in the fields of higher education, international developmet as well as urban resilience.
