URGENT MOOC Course on Nature-based Solutions - an overview
- Students of URGENT Partner Universities
- External Students interested in furthering their knowledge on NbS
- Participants of Scientific Workshops
Course Objective
Learning Outcomes
- Provide an extensive overview of the popular concept “Nature-based Solutions (NbS)”
- Explore the history of the concept and its recent rise in both science and practice
- Highlight case studies and fields of application of NbS
- Design a course that is readily available to students and can be conducted mostly online Create an interesting case study where students have to assess an area and conduct a systematic review of the potential of NbS
Course Structure
- Intended duration of 8 (or more) weeks
- Six interactive modules aligned with real life processes and topics based on Blended Learning Format
- Weekly Quizzes designed by instructors and End-of-Course Case Study Report by Students
Module 1
Ecosystem Services
Online Link
- Sustainability, Biodiversity
- Concept & Types of Ecosystem Services (ES)
Module 4
NbS and Climate Change
Online Link
- Impacts of Climate Change
- NbS to reduce Climate Change
- Examples from India & Mongolia
Module 2
Ecosystem Services in Policy and Practice
Online Link
- ES in Urban Planning
- Governance
- Integrating ES into Policies
Module 5
Urban Development and NbS Integration
Online Link
- Urban Challenges
- Role & Examples of NbS
- Choosing suitable NbS
Module 3
Nature-based Solutions
Online Link
- Principles and History
- Types of NbS
- Case Studies
Module 6
NbS Evaluation & socio-economic aspects
Online Link
- Institutional arrangements
- Indicators & Evaluation
- Economic Evaluation