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Impact and sustainability

During the project lifetime, the partners of URGENT have implemented hundreds of activities aiming at creation of quality curriculum contents, development of capacities for better teaching and learning, streghthening links to international partners and stakeholder communities and, indeed, for dissemination the results we are so proud of. We hereby offer summaries of the results ecompassing project achievements and their impact that can be found following this link.

The dissemination materials created to convey the URGENT impact can be found here, the full lits of dissemination events can be found here, while the full range of dissemination activities is described here.

Through the range of its activities, URGENT project has created impactn at several levels, including individual, organisational, local, national and international:

  • At the individual level, that included new learning, networking and career development opportunities for students, academics as well as technical, administrative staff and stakeholder representatives. This was achieved through new curricula created under URGENT, guest lecturers (including for teaching new curricula) coming to URGENT partners, URGENT academic and stakeholder-academia workshops and seminars and, what was noted as the most powerful boosters at the individual level - URGENT summer schools, short exchange visits to EU partners, and URGENT open science conferences (in Ahmedabad, India in 2022 and in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2023, please see an overview of URGENT events here). Here you can find an overview of the URGENT impacts at the individual level.
  • At the institutional level the impacts had to do with increased visibility and competitiveness of partner universities, their better and more structured relationship with labor market actors, and improved national and international profiles as centres of the studies of green and blue infrastructure and urban resilience in general. Here you can find an overview of the URGENT impacts at the institutional level.
  • At the local level the impact was related to all kind of activities benefiting local communities, most of all in relation to the management and planning of urban green and blue insfrastructure in home cities of project partners. Here you can find an overview of the URGENT impacts at the local level.
  • At the national level the most of the impact by the URGENT project was channeled through national Stakeholder Interaction Platforms in India and Mongolia that have consolidated and enhanced interfaces between the academia and stakeholders involved to urban planning and managent; other activities impactful at the national level included national webinars and numerous dissemination and training events addressing national audiences. Here you can find an overview of the URGENT impacts at the national level.
  • At the international level the URGENT project addressed its audiences via its interactive (MOOC-like) courses, international webinars, international open science conferences, as well as the publications in international outlets both by URGENT PhD student, as well as by senior academics, who came up with an edited volume showcasing the scope and achievements of URGENT-related research activities. Here you can find an overview of the URGENT impacts at the international level.
