Home Results Results

URGENT sustainability and long-term cooperation

URGENT project team is running a broad range of exploitation and dissemination activisities in order to ensure the sustainability of project results after the end of EU financing. The planned activities are outlined in the Plan. Our work on ensuring the sustainability of URGENT outputs is planned along the following main avenues:

  • Accreditation of all the courses developed or revised under the URGENT project (the accreditation documents for individual courses can be retrieved from URBAN_learn; accreditation for some courses may be pending yet)
  • Establishing agreements between the project partners committing them to the maintanance of the network and key URGENT deliverables (the template can be found here)
  • Establishing national Stakeholder Interaction Platform in India and Mongolia in order to institutionalise relations with employers and other relevant stakeholders (the template for the accessions to the SIP can be found here)
  • Making available research equipment and experimental facilities to URGENT partners for purposes of joint research and research training activities (the inventory with contacts and accession information can be found here)
  • Consolidating stakeholder networks both engaged to SIPs and those staying outside of it (lists of key stakeholder partners per partner can be found here)
