URBAN_learn National University of Mongolia

Summary of the courses developed and updated under URGENT

Summary of the accreditation procedure in the university

  1. Course title: Application of RS and GIS to environmental research (revised)
    1. Syllabus - English, Mongolian;
    2. Video introduction - English, Mongolian
    3. Course poster - Here
    4. Presentation of course e-learning - English, Mongolian
    5. Video lectures (in Mongolian) - List
    6. Video laboratories (in Mongolian) - List
    7. Link to course e-learning - https://online.num.edu.mn/courses/course-v1:NUM+ENVI402+2022/about
    8. Teaching and learning material - Here
    9. Reviews: by an EU partner, by a national stakeholder, by the home department, by an external academic institution
    10. Students feedback - Here
    11. Accreditation document - Here
    12. Student attendance report - Academic year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
  2. Course title: Urban logistic (revised)
    1. Syllabus - English, Mongolian;
    2. Video introduction - English, Mongolian
    3. Course poster - Here
    4. Video lectures (in Mongolian) - List
    5. Video seminars (in Mongolian) - List
    6. Link to course e-learning - https://online.num.edu.mn/courses/course-v1:Urgent+ENEN301+2022-2023/course/
    7. Teaching and learning material - Here
    8. Reviews: by an EU partner, by a national stakeholder, by a home department, by a external academic institution
    9. Student feedback - Here
    10. Accreditation document - Here
    11. Student attendance report - Academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
  3. Course title: Environmental Management (new)
    1. Syllabus - English, Mongolian
    2. Video introduction - English, Mongolian
    3. Course poster - Here
    4. Video lectures (in Mongolian) - List
    5. Video seminars (in Mongolian) - List
    6. Link to course e-learning - https://online.num.edu.mn/courses/course-v1:NUM+ENVI803+2022/course/
    7. Teaching and learning material - Here
    8. Reviews: by an EU partner, by a national stakeholder, by the home department, by an external academic institution
    9. Student feedback (in Mongolian) - Here
    10. Accreditation document (in Mongolian) - Here
    11. Student attendance report - Academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
  4. Course title: Sustainable Development (new)
    1. Syllabus - English, Mongolian;
    2. Video introduction - English, Mongolian
    3. Course poster - Here
    4. Video lectures (in Mongolian) - List
    5. Video seminars (in Mongolian) - List
    6. Link to course e-learning - https://online.num.edu.mn/courses/course-v1:NUM+ENVI502+2022_T1/course/
    7. Teaching and learning material - Here
    8. Reviews: by an EU partner, by a national stakeholder, by the home department, by an external academic institution
    9. Student feedback (in Mongolian) - Here
    10. Accreditation document (in Mongolian) - Here
    11. Student attendance report - Academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
  5. Course title: Nature conservation and protected area management (revised)
    1. Syllabus - English, Mongolian;
    2. Video introduction - English, Mongolian
    3. Course poster - Here
    4. Presentation of course e-learning - English, Mongolian
    5. Video lectures (in Mongolian) - List
    6. Video semnars (in Mongolian) - List
    7. Link to course e-learning - https://online.num.edu.mn/courses/course-v1:NUM+ENVI802+2022/about
    8. Teaching and learning materials- Here
    9. Reviews: by an EU partner, by a national stakeholder, by the home department, by an external academic organisation
    10. Student feedback - Here
    11. Accreditation document
    12. Student attendance report- Academic year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

